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  • Writer's pictureMaggie Goebel

Scavenger Junk Journal Round 19

Please post your photo in the comments and tell us about how you chose each item. Also tell us who needs to leave you a rating. Thanks!

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Freestyle Junk Journal #6

Share your layout below!! Please tell us a little about what you worked on and which Swap-bot members need to leave you a rating. Thanks...

Freestyle Journal Round 5

Please share your layout for this round and tell who your partners are to leave a rating for. Thanks for joining us!

13 comentarios

Laurina the artist
Laurina the artist
02 jun

Hello fellow swappers,

Sorry for running a little late with this one. I was searching high and low for my bowl of fruit. Finally, I just made it myself.

Here are the partners who rate me: #hellojett #MamaKek #Nicole72898.

On the whole, I call this spread Words of Encouragement.  I left more white space on this one than normal for me. For the bowl of fruit, I finally made one myself out of 3 circles.I hope you can recognize it as a bowl of fruit in the bowl lefdt corner. For the conversation, there are two horses and a woman having a conversation. The piece of fabric with a frayed edge was a more papery fabric than fabric and mor…

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Maggie Goebel
Maggie Goebel
30 may

This layout is more like I checked off a list. Sticker of a fruit bowl..... check. Illustration of ladies possibly in conversation.... check. Frayed fabric.... check. From the garbage a card thought from a co-worker .... check. I added the extra stuff to just go with the tea and English theme in the fabric. Enjoy and thank you all for participating. Those to rate me are.... Gabi, Joan and Clotilde.

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29 may

Hi everyone!

I left it to the last day again! But I have been thinking of it for a few days.

For this round my rating partners are: ScrapHappyGabi, Nicole72898 and CloGlo (hellojett)

A Conversation: I have begun Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, almost a quarter of the way through now and it's really good. The conversation is from the first chapter where John Derbeyfield (Tess's father) meets the parson on the road, the parson calls him Sir John. John asks why and the parson tells him that he found, through his research, that in the distant past he belonged to a prominant family called the D'Urbervilles. John is elated and thinks he's something now.. it's the beginning…

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Maggie Goebel
Maggie Goebel
30 may
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Thank you for sharing so much information. This was very insightful and I love your creation!!!

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27 may

Hi everyone!

My submission for Round 19:

A conversation: literally my conversation weekly with my kids 😂

A bowl of fruit: an image from a magazine for the background

A piece of fabric with frayed edge: backing the stamps

Something from the garbage: the stamps, and I chose fruit ones to further the bowl of fruit effect.

My Send to partners to rate me are: hellojet, Nicole72898, CloGlo

Thanks! Beth/MamaKek

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Maggie Goebel
Maggie Goebel
30 may
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This made me laugh! It seems our kids are very similiar! Thank you and great job!

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Joan Concilio
Joan Concilio
27 may

Hi, friends! I felt like this page came together really easily for me, thanks in large part to items I’ve received from other Swap-bot swaps, which I thought was pretty cool. It’s simple but I enjoyed it.

Here’s how I used the items:

A conversation: In a recent swap of book pages, I was super-excited to get some from a Shakespeare anthology. My son and I are active in Shakespearean theater, so that’s always a win. And since a play was the first thing I thought of when I saw “conversation” as a list item, it seemed like a perfect fit to choose one as this background. (And oof, Richard III is a depressing one, but it does have some…

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Maggie Goebel
Maggie Goebel
30 may
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This is a very clean uncluttered page and I really really like it! I would love to see your entire album when you get it all filled!

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